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Neuromuscular Re-education
What is Neuromusclar Re-education?

The American Medical Association defines neuromuscular re-education as the use of therapeutic techniques for the purpose of improving impaired movement, balance, coordination, decreased kinesthetic sense, and impaired proprioception.

Neuromuscular therapy is a technique used to restore normal movement.  Together, your nerves and muscles work to produce movements.  Nerves send signals between your muscles and your brain  about when, where, and how fast to move. It is a complex process.  Theorists believe that over time, nerve tracts are reinforced and muscle movement (motor) patterns are learned and stored in your memory.  For example, this explains why you remember how to go up steps and automatically know how to adjust your movements for tall or short steps.

Muscle movement patterns are affected when nerves or muscles experience damage or injury.  This can result from trauma, medical conditions, and neurological conditions, such as stroke and traumatic brain injury.  Neuromuscular re-education is one method used by rehabilitation therapists to facilitate the return of normal movement in persons with neuromuscular impairments.  

Neuromuscular re-education and movement training is somewhat related to core training. These approaches can be used for patients with spine-related symptoms, or for those with an underlying condition who are working to prevent recurrences. These techniques require an understanding of the relationship between stabilizing and mobilizing muscles, proper sequencing and optimal biomechanical motion patterns for a variety of daily tasks, occupational activities and sports-specific physical performance. 

In these approaches, tasks are broken down into their most simple component single-joint movement patterns. These patterns are perfected with proper alignment, breathing, and muscle stabilization in non-weight bearing postures using manual or mechanical assistance. As the specific single-joint component pattern is mastered, without symptoms, the training becomes more complex and might include one or more of the following advances:

  • Multi-joint movement

  • Non-linear motion (circular or diagonal)

  • Weight bearing postures

  • Proprioceptive challenges (eyes closed, unstable surfaces, etc…)

  • Progressive resistance

  • Variable speeds and durations

Please contact our office for more information, or to see if neuromuscular therapy may be right for you!

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